Uses Excellent natural rattan substitute used for the manufacture of chairs, rocking chairs, beds and other handmade furniture
Description Monofilament fabricated with polypropylene, which provides toughness and malleability, allowing it to be weaved more readily
Presentations 1lb. Hanks packaged in boxes of 100 Hanks
Size 2.3 mm in width, 0.68mm thickness
Stress Resistance 60 LB.
Colors Light Beige Green
Brown Black
Yield Performance m/lb Performance yds/lb
390 MTS/LIB 425 YDS./ LB

Calle L-2, Ciudad Merliot, La Libertad,
El Salvador, C.A.

Typsa El Salvador

PBX: (503) 2510-2100
TEL: (503) 2278-1155
FAX: (503) 2278-2151